Innovation is booming in Norway as SEMAR AS develops a game-changing mooring solution promising to cut hardware costs significantly.
Honeymooring™ is a new and cost-effective way of mooring floating wind turbines in a network using shared buoys, synthetic fibre lines and anchors.
Semar AS’ innovative Honeymooring™ solution is estimated to reduce hardware cost with up to 50% compared to traditional mooring solutions based on steel chains.
By connecting floating wind turbines in a honeycomb layout, Honeymooring™ offers a unique way of applying well-proven mooring technology in an innovative way that challenges existing solutions.
Honeymooring Solution
Semar AS’ Honeymooring solution has so far been thoroughly assessed through a pre-project phase, identifying significant mooring-hardware cost savings compared to existing mooring solutions. These savings contribute to significantly reduce the CAPEX for wind parks consisting of several floating units. The pre-project was financially supported by Innovation Norway, Equinor, TotalEnergies and Semar.
Following the encouraging pre-study results, the Research Council of Norway financially supports the ongoing research and development (R&D) project “Honeymooring – Efficient mooring of floating wind farms”. Equinor, TotalEnergies, SINTEF Ocean and Norcable are partners in this three-year R&D project, where Semar AS develops the methodology required to analyse wind parks with shared moorings, and further matures and optimizes the Honeymooring™ design. Altogether, the R&D project has been granted significant financial support of NOK 19 million (see https://prosjektbanken.forskningsradet.no).
Reference is made to Presse release from TotalEnergies 14th February:
TotalEnergies partners with the Norwegian company Semar to develop an innovative mooring solution | TotalEnergies in Norway
Time-to-market is critical, and the clear ambition is to make Honeymooring™ market-ready for commercial projects by 2024/25.
Semar AS is a consultancy company to the oil & gas, aquaculture and offshore floating wind industry and provides project management, specialist- and marine engineering services for defined equipment packages including mooring design and coupled analysis solutions for wind parks. The global market for floating offshore wind is within reach, says Thor Valsø-Jørgensen, the CEO of Semar AS.Thor Valsø-Jørgensen, CEO
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